Spirit Eye

by Deborha Kerr
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 20.000 x 1.000 inches
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Spirit Eye
Deborha Kerr
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
You have three eyes, two to look, one to see.
April 23rd, 2011
Comments (20)

Deborha Kerr
Thanks so much Paul! Have a wonderful holiday season & don't eat too many choccies! lol

Paul Chestnutt
Beautiful painting, congats....and the BESTEST choccies in the world are from Ireland LOL..I should know ...( I stuff myself full of them all the time when I draw)....this truely is a beautiful painting tho....so detailed and new stuff going on with each view :D

Mikko Tyllinen
very powerful and beautiful art work! fantastic and very interesting details that create wonderful story!

Tyler Robbins
what a beautiful work of art..I love this...it is so good...creative and original...superbly crafted! a fav and a vote...and, btw, got a nice chuckle out of your bio...a paintbrush and some chocolate..too funny!

Xueling Zou
Wow, I love the way how you created this wonderful and interesting work. Amazing, Deborha! Thank you for your nice feedback on my "Peruvian Door Decor 12" and "Holiday Blues"!!!

Linda Kemp
Love this, love your style and what it portrays. I like how all the detail around the eye is subtle and then all of a sudden it gets very noticed. Your bio speaks my language especially the chocolate part!
Deborha Kerr replied:
Thank you Linda! I really appreciate you taking the time to view & comment...my cacao sistah!!!